东方雨虹各事业合伙人、我的兄弟姐妹们: 二月二龙抬头,此时阳气生发,万物复苏。二月二春雷激荡,当华夏大地龙吟九霄之时,东方雨虹铁军正以强引擎破局、铁规矩立信、金标杆导航的雷霆之势,向未来发起冲锋号角。 从烟雨江南到冰雪北国,从渤海之滨到天山之巅,我们跨越经纬坐标相聚在此——不仅是千城万商的互联聚合,更是全体东方雨虹人向行业发出的变革宣言!今天,告别粗放式增长已成为不可逆转的历史进程,东方雨虹选择以强引擎、树铁规、立标杆的磅礴之姿,携手每一位俯身做工、躬身实干的合伙人共同浇筑一个钢铁般的信念:我们要以产业链命运共同体之名,为行业立心!为发展破局!当万千雨虹人擂响联合作战的战鼓,这既是掘金百亿千亿级赛道的冲锋号,更是向粗制滥造、恶性竞争、假冒伪劣的产业旧秩序发动的总攻令! 打败一切牛鬼蛇神是东方雨虹和所有事业合伙人的不二选择,是我们必须承担的责任和必然承受的苦难。
在这个知识每36小时倍增的时代,我看到许多即使是工匠型企业也输给了学习型组织。东方雨虹所说的学习力,不是被动接受,而是基于商业本质的持续突破:通过“干新品、探蓝海”的拓荒精神,把每条赛道都变成创新实验室;通过数字化工具赋能,让每个终端的经验都能转化为体系化知识资产。这种学习力,就是推动个体户到“企业家”蜕变、从良好到优秀、从优秀到卓越的内核动能。 但仅有学习力还是不够的。移动互联网时代最大的认知陷阱,就是知识过载带来的选择困惑。我们必须对选择的价值坐标保持清醒认知:相信东方雨虹的品质根基,坚信共同制定的战略航道,这种相信力不是盲从,而是对产业链价值的深刻共鸣。当各位建设“本地化、微缩化”的东方雨虹价值单元时,本质是在打造“既能产业协同又可独立传承”的百年基业基因链。东方雨虹今年是成立三十周年,东方雨虹不仅要做世界五百强,更要承续五百年,这是我们大家的宏愿,也是所有东方雨虹大家庭每个成员的大福音和大福报。
各位同仁,今天我们共商大计,既是开辟事业新版图,更是守护行业正道的薪火相传。站在生死存亡、事业转折的关键点上,唯有铸就“一心一意”的精神图腾,才能破除发展迷雾。当每位合伙人都能将毕生所学熔铸为标准化传承体系时,就是我们以绝对的战略定力推动东方雨虹从“中国冠军”迈向“世界品牌”、缔造“百年企业”的里程碑时刻!让只有一个东方雨虹永远是可验证、可持续、可传承的唯一金字招牌。 让我们以破釜沉舟的决心摒弃摇摆心态——那些反复横跳的“三心二意者”,终将被时代浪潮淘汰;让我们用聚焦战略主轴的做工精神取代投机思维——正如我们的防水建材需要滴水不漏的专注,企业发展更需要排除杂音的战略定力。期待与诸位并肩开拓,让每座城市的建筑肌理都镌刻着东方雨虹的专注印记,让每个工地的品质密码都见证着我们“一生只做一件事”的理想坚守!相信相信的力量,相信正义公正的力量,相信持续努力的力量,相信我们在一起就一定会了不起。 谢谢大家!
Brothers in Arms, United in Gold Mining, Unconditional Mutual Trust
Dear Oriental Yuhong Partners and My Comrades, As the Dragon Raises Its Head on the Second Day of the Second Lunar Month—a time when yang energy surges and all things revive—Oriental Yuhong’s iron-clad team is charging toward the future with the thunderous momentum of apowerful engine to break barriers, unshakable rules to build trust, and golden benchmarks to navigate. From the misty landscapes of the south to the frozen north, from the Bohai Sea to the peaks of the Tianshan Mountains, we gather here not merely as a convergence of thousands of cities and businesses, but as a collective declaration of revolution to the entire industry! The era of reckless growth has ended. Oriental Yuhong now stands at the forefront, wielding a powerful engine, steel-clad discipline, and exemplary benchmarks to unite every hands-on partner in forging an unbreakable conviction: In the name of a shared industrial destiny, we will redefine this sector’s soul and shatter the shackles of stagnation! As our drumbeats of collaboration resound, this is not just a charge toward billion- and trillion-dollar opportunities—it is a final assault on the outdated order of shoddy work, cutthroat competition, and counterfeit practices. To vanquish all evils is Oriental Yuhong’s only choice—a duty we must embrace and a trial we must endure. I. Building a Shared Destiny, Writing a New Chapter for the Construction Industry “Brothers united, mining gold together” is no empty slogan—it is survival wisdom in an era of industrial revolution. As industry upheaval looms, let us be clear: No individual succeeds without systemic empowerment; no local advantage outlasts the evolution of the collective. Oriental Yuhong, as a pioneer, will work with you to build an ecosystem of shared value, mutual benefit, and collective responsibility. In this tribe led by Oriental Yuhong, we will not only eradicate the “demons” of counterfeits but also shatter the zero-sum mentality that plagues Chinese industries. Let professional service become the sector’s currency, and standardized construction its baseline. Let industrial partners working in unison serve as our core competitive advantage. Let diversified business operations become our distinctive hallmark that sets us apart from all competitors. Always prioritize customers. Always uphold the core values of truth, goodness, and beauty. Always persist in long-term perseverance. Forever carry gratitude in our hearts and care for those around us. II. Decoding the Double Helix of Value Growth: Learning Power and Belief Power In an age where knowledge doubles every 36 hours, even artisan enterprises fall to learning organizations. At Oriental Yuhong, learning power is not passive absorption—it is relentless innovation rooted in business fundamentals. Through the pioneering spirit of “exploring new products and blue oceans”, we turn every track into a lab for breakthroughs. Through digital empowerment, we transform frontline experience into systematic intellectual assets. This learning power is the engine that elevates individuals into entrepreneurs, transforms good into great, and propels excellence into legend. Yet learning alone is insufficient. The internet era’s greatest trap is choice paralysis from information overload. We must anchor ourselves in clear values: Trust in Oriental Yuhong’s quality foundation. Believe in our collective strategic course. This belief power is not blind obedience—it is resonance with the industrial chain’s intrinsic value. As you build localized, microcosmic units of Oriental Yuhong’s value, you are forging a genetic code for century-spanning legacies that balance collaboration with independence. This year marks Oriental Yuhong’s 30th anniversary. Our vision transcends Fortune 500 rankings—we aim to endure for 500 years. This is our shared grand vision, and it is also the greatest blessing for every member of the Dongfang Yuhong family. III. Forging an Irreplaceable Industrial Value System Three decades of trials have taught us three truths: Gimmicks fade, but quality and authenticity outlast every cycle.Mere material distribution is obsolete—only systemic solutions (materials + construction + service + AI) secure future dominance.Lone-wolf tactics are dead; growth demands multi-dimensional synergy across products and sectors. By 2025, Oriental Yuhong’s new-product partners will expand by 30% annually, forming an ecosystem covering 50% of partners by 2027. Half our profit growth will stem from new sectors. This means every trailblazing partner will helm the vanguard of billion-dollar blue oceans! Since its inception, Dongfang Yuhong has built its development foundation with the "Iron Army Spirit," fusing the mission of "serving the country, society, customers, employees, and shareholders" into its core values. This has enabled our business partners, including trailblazers like Jilin's Ma Fengling, Hebei's Liu Lianchen, Zhejiang's Bian Liangsong, Anhui's Wang Zhengdong, and Sichuan's Xia Gaofei, to achieve satisfactory returns. This journey represents not only a vast ocean of value creation but also a testament to the era's principle of shared success among dedicated pioneers! Comrades, today we chart a new frontier while safeguarding our industry’s moral compass. At this pivotal juncture, only an unwavering spiritual totem can dispel the fog of uncertainty. When every partner codifies their lifelong expertise into standardized systems, we will propel Oriental Yuhong from China’s champion to a global brand and century-spanning enterprise.Let’s ensure that Dongfang Yuhong remains the sole verifiable, sustainable, and inheritable golden brand forever. Let us abandon hesitation with all-in resolve—those who waver will drown in the tides of time. Let us replace speculation with strategic focus—just as our waterproofing demands flawless precision, so too does our growth demand unshakable discipline. Together, we will etch Oriental Yuhong’s dedication into every city’s skyline and infuse every construction site with our ethos: “One lifetime, one mission.” Believe in the power of belief. Believe in justice. Believe in relentless effort. Believe that together, we will achieve greatness. Thank you!